
The risks related to the protocol may potentially include but are not limited to:

  1. Oracle Risks:

  • Dependency on external price oracles for asset valuations, which can introduce vulnerabilities such as inaccurate or manipulated data.

  • Potential for oracle failures or manipulation leading to incorrect pricing and consequent liquidations or incorrect interest rate calculations.

  1. Smart Contract Risks:

  • Vulnerabilities in smart contract code could lead to exploitation by malicious actors, resulting in loss of funds or disruption of protocol operations.

  • Possibility of bugs or vulnerabilities in the protocol's smart contracts, which could be exploited to manipulate or disrupt the protocol.

  1. Insolvency Risks:

  • Risk of insolvency due to sudden market fluctuations or extreme volatility, leading to undercollateralization of loans and potential losses for lenders.

  • Failure of borrowers to maintain adequate collateralization, resulting in liquidations and potential losses for lenders.

  1. Market Risks:

  • Exposure to market risks such as price volatility, liquidity fluctuations, and systemic risks inherent in the broader cryptocurrency market.

  • Potential for unexpected changes in market conditions or regulatory environments affecting the value and stability of assets within the protocol.

  1. Counterparty Risks:

  • Risk of default or non-performance by counterparties, including borrowers, suppliers, or liquidators, which could lead to losses for other participants in the protocol.

  1. Regulatory Risks:

  • Exposure to regulatory risks arising from uncertain or evolving legal frameworks governing decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, which could result in regulatory enforcement actions or compliance challenges.

Last updated